In today’s world, where cyber-attacks have increased by 32% last year alone, organizations need to ensure robust security safety across their entire digital infrastructure. Certified Nerd offers comprehensive safety and security services tailored to your business’s unique risk profile, budget, and needs. We make security a core safety priority, not an afterthought.

Establish a Security-First Safety Culture

Employee awareness and organizational processes are critical safety and security components. We ensure your staff recognizes how to avoid compromising safety across email usage, device access, and remote work. Clear policies empower teams to incorporate security-first into cultural consciousness while decreasing dependence on pure technology.

Detect Safety Issues Early and Precisely

Our advanced AI and behavior analytics constantly review networks, applications, and data access. By establishing tight security controls, we swiftly detect any abnormal patterns that could indicate emerging threats so risks are addressed before escalation.

Neutralize Cyber Threats Thoroughly

Upon discovery of potential safety security issues via access or transfer anomalies, our SOC experts launch investigations to confirm and characterize threats while gathering forensic evidence. We then thoroughly neutralize the danger through endpoint isolation, network rule adjustment, or other custom containment responses while assessing impact.

Minimize Business Disruption Through Resilience

Should a security safety incident occur, quick resilience is key, as 43% of companies say over 4 hours of disruption has major financial impacts. We pride ourselves on swift situational comprehension following threat detection, initiating finely tuned business continuity plans within just minutes.

Deliver Continuous Safety Improvement

By creating regular security and safety report cards informed by metrics, complex scenario simulations, and experience protecting diverse industries, we continuously advance a company’s security-first safety culture, technology architecture, and response capabilities to beat attackers at their ever-evolving game long-term.Make security safety, not an inconvenience but a competitive advantage by partnering with the responsive expertise of Certified Nerd. Our team of seasoned cyber security specialists deeply understands modern threats, defenses, and the careful balance between enabling your day-to-day effectiveness and remotely turning off an external adversary’s effectiveness.

Contact us to explore your tailored security safety options!